Sometimes when I'm writing, I have trouble with putting just the right words in what I'm trying to say. Usually I figure it out without too much time and energy being wasted, but sometimes I need a little inspiration. When it comes to writing a sex scene, the words sometimes seem so superficial and clinical instead of the emotional joy ride they are supposed to represent. What do you do when putting it down proves to be harder than you though?
Well, I've tried to study my methods to figure it out. When it seems like I'm not getting the emotions down just right and my characters aren't actually acting sexy as opposed to acting out sex, I take a step back and imagine the scene in my head as how I would like it to look and feel if I was playing the part for real. I let the emotions and feelings flow until I'm a little hot and achy for relief. This puts me in the mood to let myself feel my character's thoughts and needs as if they were my own.
Once you've gotten yourself in the right headspace, you have to channel it into your writing. Let the feelings pour over you and embrace them. When you start to get uncomfortable, you're ready to write. Let it flow from you and don't worry how it sounds at first. You can always go back and fix incomplete sentences and correct comma errors. For now, live and breathe the experience as you pour it out on paper.
Later, once you've calmed down and everything is on paper, go back and edit it for errors. Leave the emotional part alone for now. You don't want to ruin what you've worked so hard to capture. Once the technical errors are taken care of, let the scene alone and go on with writing. Go back to it at least an hour later and edit it for content then. Remember to leave the emtional part alone. After all, it was that part you were trying to capture. Don't ruin it by taking it back out.
Hopefully what you will have once you are finished is a satisfying love scene that grips your heart and makes you all hot and bothered. ;-)
Marla's Website
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